New release: Léa Delacroix – special-issue – Devil Inside

Ladies and gentlemen, with 106 pages and more than 130 renders, I am very happy to announce the release of this special-issue featuring Irina. It’s entitled “Devil Inside”. If you like Irina, you will surely like this comic!

>>> buy on gumroad ($7.00) <<<

>>> buy on gumroad ($7.00) <<<

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Queen Mayala mini-set

Hi everyone,

I’m mainly working on the Chapter 3 of Queen Mayala. I really hope to release it for Christmas, but it’s not going to be easy. I’ve made 100 pics on 150 so far…

I’ve also worked on a commission involving Queen Mayala. Here are a few pictures from it. Please note that this mini-set is not part of the canonical Mayala’s story. Big thanks to the commissioner.

Have fun and take care guys!

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Status update

Hello everybody,

Still working hard, mainly on Queen Mayala Chapter III and the game “Clinical Test”.

Regarding Queen Mayala, I re-rendered a bunch of images I was not satisfied with. I’m still undecided about the ending of this chapter. I have two different possibilities in mind (a bad one and a happy one).

Concerning the game “Clinical Test”, I’m mostly working on programming. As I’m learning how to use Renpy at the same time, it takes time, but I really enjoy it 🙂

Below some previews of Queen Mayala Chapter III.

Take care everybody!

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Status update

Hi everybody,

I wanted to share my ongoing work. The two big projects that I would like to finish in 2018 are:

  • Queen Mayala chapter III
  • Léa – treasure hunter

I have been working on these projects for so long now and I must say it does not progress as fast as I would like… but it is how it is. I recently finalize the girl named Solène who will be one of the main character of Léa (see pictures below).


At the same time I make smaller image set. I expect to release soon more images of Maya and Will (see preview below).


And last but not least, I am developing a plugin to watch comics online. You can try it here with Maya and Megan episode 4. Keep in mind that it is under development so it is probably full of bugs.

cheers and have fun!

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