New release: Lea Delacroix episode 3: In Heat

Hi everyone,

Here it is, finally. Third episode of Léa Delacroix series is available on my gumroad store (and soon on affect3d and renderotica).

In the previous episode, adventurer Léa Delacroix was informed of the existence of the Fountain of Youth by her father’s former companion. The fountain is said to be located somewhere in the swamps of Florida.

In this episode, Léa and her partner Jon travel to the site. But when they arrive in Florida, things don’t go according to plan…

149 pages of actions and sex! Previews below.

—> get yourself a copy here <—

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Status update

Hi everyone,

After a long break, during which I put my creative work on hold, I’m delighted to have resumed the projects I started a few years ago.

The most important of these is episode 3 of the Léa Delacroix series. It’s almost finished. I plan to release it on April 27, 2024 (next Saturday!). I’m attaching a few previews to this post.

I’ve also finished the script for a new episode of Queen Mayala. The release date is currently unknown. It will be at the end of this year at best.

I’m also working on a short visual story to practice using daz studio on the one hand, and blender on the other hand. The two mini-sets I recently released are part of this process.

Finally, my last active project is the development of a point-and-click game. More on that in a future post!

Take care!

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Status update


Sorry for the long silence. I have been working on other stuffs and honestly I don’t have much time for my art at the moment.
I made a few things though, like working on the third episode of Léa Delacroix. It is an ambitious episode with new characters and complex scenes. It takes time, a lot of time. Below some drafts…

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Free release: After-Party (completed)

Hi everyone,

I received many requests to finish the project After-Party, featuring “Cate Hupton”. So, I rolled up my sleeves and added 50 pages to complete the comic book.

Now, I proudly releases the completed project for the price of your choice on gumroad. You can even have it for free. If you want to support my work, you can of course leave a tip!

>>> comic book available on gumroad <<<

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New Release: Queen Mayala – Chapter 4

Hello everyone!

I am very proud to release my new comic book: Queen Mayala – Chapter IV: High Treason. 147 pages of hot girl-girl sex and nasty intrigue.

I have also released a bundle including chapter 1 to 4. Get it here.

Influenced by Mayala, the king’s decision to end the war did not please the Spartan army and its generalissimo, Brasidas. Mayala is seen as the main culprit, and while she is having a good time in her palace, the danger is getting closer…

>>> buy a copy of Queen Mayala: High Treason <<<

>>> buy a copy of Queen Mayala: High Treason <<<

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Satus Update on current development

Hi Guys,

Hope you are all doing well in these dark days.

I realize that I have not posted anything in the last 4 months. Time goes by so quickly! Anyway, I am currently developping the fourth chapter of the Queen Mayala series. I expect a release in 2-3 months if things are going smoothly. I have almost 100 renders so far. I will need 30 more to complete the comic.

When this is done I will go back to Lea Delacroix development. I’ve already written the script but I haven’t started the renders at all. I hope I can release the comic by the end of this year.

Take care !

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New release: Léa Delacroix – special-issue – Devil Inside

Ladies and gentlemen, with 106 pages and more than 130 renders, I am very happy to announce the release of this special-issue featuring Irina. It’s entitled “Devil Inside”. If you like Irina, you will surely like this comic!

>>> buy on gumroad ($7.00) <<<

>>> buy on gumroad ($7.00) <<<

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Mini set featuring Miss Delacroix

Hi everyone!

Hope you guys had a wonderful summer. Mine was sooo good but it is already over. The good news is that I’m going back to my work on Léa Delacroix Special Issue featuring Irina (introduced in episode 2). I hope I can release it in one month or two, but I cannot promise anything.

As a bonus I rendered a few pictures of Miss Delacroix. Hope you like them 🙂

Take care!

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Status update

Hi Everyone,

Long time no see! I have been busy with my (real) work lately, therefore I did not progress that much on my comic projects these two last months. I rendered a few images of my comic involving Irina. I have also worked on the next chapter of Queen Mayala series. Hopefully, I’ll have more time during the summer.

I’d like also to warmly thank all of you who bought my comics or dropped some nice comments. I really appreciate as it keeps my motivation high to continue working on my projects.

Have a nice summer!

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Status update

Hello everyone,

First I would like to warmly thank all of you for your support. The nice and positive comments I received after the publication of the second episode of Léa Delcroix series mean a lot to me. It keeps my motivation high and really pushes me to give my best.

I have just started a sort of spin-off of the Léa Delacroix series. I will make some special-issues involving one character each time. The first one will be on Irina that was introduced in episode 2. I have already designed her look. See some previews below 🙂

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Comic release: Léa Delacroix – Episode 2

Hi everyone,

I’m so happy to release a new episode of the Léa Delacroix series. This Episode is entitled “The Captive”. It is about Léa’s family and a fabulous treasure!

It is now avaible on my Gumroad store. It will be available on other platforms soon.

>>>>> purchase here ($7.00) <<<<<

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Status update: Léa Delacroix and Skafald magazine

Hi everyone,

I am still working on the next Queen Mayala Chapter, and as I am not able to work on only one project at a time, I have started to work on the 2nd episode of Léa Delacroix. See below some drafts of a new character, Irina.

Besides, I’d like to mention that my work has been featured in the online magazine Skafald. If you like 3dx I really recommand to check their website regularly, there’s nice content.


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Comic release: Léa Delacroix – episode 1

Hello Everyone!

Here it is, the first episode of Miss Delacroix adventures is available on gumroad.

After the discovery of Lord Ibelin’s tomb, Léa is trying to unravel the mystery of the golden cup she found there. Her quest will take her on an unbridled erotic adventure. This comic includes 102 pages of adventure and sex!

In case you haven’t read the free SFW prologue yet, it’s here.


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Léa Delacroix episode 1 – Preview

Hello everyone,

Still working on the first episode of my Lara character Léa Delacroix. The work is progressing well. I have rendered 70 of the 90 pictures so far. The release is planned for mid-June (hopefully). Keep posted!

Check the two previews.

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