Hello everybody!
If you want to download the new comic without reading this post just go to the bottom.
It’s been a while since my last post! I’d like to give you some updates about my current work and projects. First of all, besides my 3dx activity, I have a full-time job and a social life. So, believe me, I’d really love to create more and be more active but I just don’t have time for that. I’m also not sure how I should work: big projects, or more frequently released mini projects (for example 100+ page comic once/twice a year, or a mini-comic every month…). Tips are welcome 🙂
About my projects, I’m currently working on several projects at the same time. I’m always telling myself that I should work on a single project at a time to be more efficient but I just can’t get 100% focused for several months on the same thing. Anyway, here are the projects I’m working on:
- A Tomb-Raider like comic (~ 25% done)

- Queen Mayala Chapter III (~ 50% done)

- A point and click adventure game named “Clinical Test” (~ 30% done)

- A comic of the serie “The wonderful sexlife of Maya and Megan” (recently renamed “The [sex]life of Maya Parker” btw) ( ~ 40% done)

- The second part of the comic “After-Party” (10% done), the first part being released in this very post – see below!
So, here it is, a 97 pages full-HD free comic. It started as a small commission, but ended to be a full length comic. The main character is inspired from Kate Upton at 2016 Oscar party (you can easly google that). There will be a part 2 released probably next year.
Hope you like it!